get connected!
Are you a school counselor looking for resources, bulletin boards, lesson plans, organizational ideas, informational articles, and therapeutic techniques? Connect with other counselors all around the world with Twitter!
Twitter hashtags are an extremely easy way to find school counselors and other professionals who are posting great ideas and resources that you can use. Personally, I rarely use Twitter for any other reason anymore; it's such a great forum for connecting professionally! Hashtags can be used to gather for a chat, where a time and topic are chosen and everyone tweets using the hashtag to talk with one another. Or hashtags can be added to the end of a general tweet, and can then be searched at any time.
One of the "big" hashtags for school counselors is the School Counselor Crowd (#SCCrowd). School counselors around the country and the world come together to chat about a topic relevant to our practice. It has been an online PLC for me, where one can gather new resources, information, and networks to support counseling work. It's been so informative! This chat is on Tuesday evenings at 8ET/5PT. The School Counselor Tweet Chat (#scchat) was started by Danielle Schultz and Erin Mason. The #scchat is held on the first Tuesday of every month at 8ET/ 5PT. This chat is for school counselors who serve all ages, as well as counselor educators. To see upcoming #scchat topics, or read transcripts from past chats, go to:
The Elementary School Counselors Chat (#escchat) on Twitter was started by Carli Segal. Every Thursday evening at 8ET/5PT (with a break in the summer), elementary school counselors discuss a chosen topic. To see the upcoming topics, hosts, and dates, visit
You can also read transcripts from past #escchat (brought to you by Storify): Marketing Your School Counseling Program Supporting Grieving Students 504 Plan Coordination Bibliotherapy in School Counseling I hope that you will spread the word to other elementary school counselors and/or join us! International school counselors who work in international schools can connect through the hashtag #intlSC. This is a forum for ideas, lessons, articles, research, and more! Just add #intlSC to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc to share your ideas with fellow international counselors around the world.
If you haven't already, I encourage you to join Twitter for professional use. It has been beneficial to my growth as a school counselor, and I believe you will feel the same.
school counseling blogsJust a few of the many excellent blogs about school counseling:
The Helpful Counselor Books That Heal Kids Classy Counselor A Blossoming School Counselor The Stylish School Counselor Entirely Elementary School Counseling School Counseling by Heart Creative Elementary School Counselor School Counseling Across the Pond Savvy School Counselor Lisa's Counseling Connection facebook pagesHere are a few of my favorite Facebook pages:
Rachel Simmons St. Louis Center for Play Therapy Training Rosalind Wiseman Teaching Tolerance School Counselor Companion Elementary Matters No Name-Calling Week The School Counselor Kind If you interested in networking with professional educators and administrators, LinkedIn is the place for you! Find me and we can link up!
I use instagram for both professional and personal use. I like to share photos of bulletin boards, projects from small groups, and other fun events from school counseling. Follow me at gazing_nightskies to see more!